OhNo!Doom presents Imaginary Menagerie: The Art of Doktor A, Lana Crooks, Amanda Louise Spayd and Chris Ryniak. The show runs from July 9th 2011 to July 30th 2011, with the reception taking place from 6:00PM to 10:00PM on July 9th.
Big-eyed monsters, armored beasts, crooked toothed creatures, and clockwork oddities have all been captured for the Imaginary Menagerie at OhNo!Doom Gallery. All monstrously new sculptural and two-dimensional works by Doktor A, Lana Crooks, Amanda Louise Spayd and Chris Ryniak. Some artists will be in attendance and music to be provided by the Steampunk Chicago DJ Collective.
OhNo!Doom Gallery
1800 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647