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Mauricio Murillo is known for creating humorous photographs using Gummy Bears. “Viva La Gummy” will bring you deeper into the Gummy Bear world Murillo has created. You will get the opportunity to see new portraits of iconic characters in the Gummy world in brand new hilarious photographs. Expect everything from a sighting of the mythological creature known as the “Lone-Lee Monster” (known to terrorize and eat helpless gummy bears and small children) and a glimpse of Murillo’s street art installations that have a strong Mexican influence in his work, as well as new photographs of your favorite candy goodness getting into more comical situations.

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The opening reception will take place at Art Whino Gallery on Saturday, March 19th 2011 from 8PM to Midnight. There will be a sketching session from 6PM to 8PM and musical performances beginning at 10PM.

There will be 5"x7" prints available to the first 25 people that come to the show. Another 25 prints will be giving out throughout the show.

Art Whino Gallery
122 Waterfront St.
National Harbor, MD 20745