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Kansas City based artist Brian Fyffe premiered the first issue of his Zombie Chuck comic book this past March. The release of that thirty page comic was joined by a t-shirt, buttons and Zombie Chuck resin figures.

Of course, we'll be checking out two of the first six Zombie Chuck colorways released by Brian Fyffe. They are the regular edition Orange Chuck and the C2E2 Exclusive Toxic Chuck.

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The Facts

Zombie Chuck
Production by: Adam Smith Studios
Artist: Brian Fyffe
Sculpted by: Sharon Visker
Material: Resin
Dimensions: 5” tall
Points of Articulation: Zero
Designs: Orange, Green, Purple, Glow-in-the-Dark, Blue (Tenacious Toys Exclusive), Toxic GID (C2E2 Exclusive)
Edition Size: 25 pieces each

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The Zombie Chuck resin figure comes carded and bagged. As you can tell from the photos, the C2E2 Exclusive actually features a slightly different card from the regular versions. The cards feature an illustration of Zombie Chuck on the front, with props to all of those involved on the back.

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Our Opinion

First off...$15.00 for a hand cast 5” tall resin figure? Umm...yes, please. That's a great price, since I probably would have estimated $25.00 on the low end for the Zombie Chuck resins. Maybe we'll see some small run painted up versions that will cost a little more.

The sculpt is fairly detailed and looks a lot like Brian Fyffe's illustrated version of Zombie Chuck. He even has the slouching posture. It's a single, solid sculpt. But watch out, because I can see someone snapping his neck if they aren't careful.

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As far as quality, there are a few spots where some of the excess resin hasn't been cut/sanded off. But I actually like that handmade look. I did find one small bubble in the resin on the very bottom of Chuck's shirt.

Out of the two designs, I prefer the orange Zombie Chuck. The Toxic version glows great (for you GID enthusiasts) and has a super bright green color, but you can't see the details as well as the orange piece.

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OVERALL: If you collect resin figures, zombies or unique toys...I would definitely recommend picking up Zombie Chuck. For $15.00, you can't really go wrong. Think about it this way. There are some pretty sorry mass produced blindbox series that retail around that. And with Zombie Chuck, you'll be getting a hand cast figure from the artist.

You can pick one up at the following:

Get the C2E2 Exclusive from March 18-20 2011 at the Nerd City booth #1026

Fyffo.com: $15.00

Zombie Chuck Grades

Figure Quality: 9/10
   Sculpt: 9/10
   Paint: N/A
Accessories/Outfit: N/A
Packaging: 8/10
Durability: 6/10
Fun Factor: 9/10
Value: 10/10

Overall: 9.2/10

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