Toy2R has announced one of the events of the upcoming Toy Fair Preview Party happening on February 14th 2011 - the debut of the new 5" Mini Qee DIY Collection. All seven characters will be "unveiled" for the first time , alongside 30+ new customized 5" Mini Qees from artists such as:
Jason Freeny, Jon-Paul Kaiser, ViseOne, Scott Tolleson, Voltaire, MCA, Pocket Wookie, A Little Stranger, NEMO, Mr. Den, Ian Ziobrowski, Zam, Mr. Munk, Dinky Cow, NREAZON, Grimsheep, Foox, JRYU, Rampage Toys, Phetus, LYSOL, Bryan Allen Collins, Atypical, Matt Anderson, RSIN, Southerndrawl, Tony DePew and Nerviswr3k
RT @plasticandplush: P&P NEWS: : Toy2R Toy Fair Preview Party…
RT @plasticandplush P&P NEWS: : Toy2R Toy Fair Preview Party…
@plasticandplush you coming out for toyfair?
@smack6102 Not this year. I think I’ll be doing SDCC and NYCC this year.
@plasticandplush oh you’ll be missed. No SDCC but going to do D-CON and NYCC