2010 toy awards

It's that time of the year again...time to fondly look back on last year and recognize several of those toys and artists that stood out from the pack. I've perused through the last year in reviews and selected favorites in 11 categories. So who will win the 2010 Golden Toy Awards from PlasticandPlush.com?

We'll be looking at the top 5 in the following categories:

• Best Packaging
• Best Sculpting
• Customizer of the Year
• Artist of the Year
• Best Blind Box
• Best Toy Line
• Resin TOTY
• Female Articulated TOTY
• Male Articulated TOTY
• Plush TOTY
• Vinyl TOTY

When assembling these lists, I only look at toys that have been reviewed on Plastic and Plush. If you produce toys, please feel free to contact about reviews. If you're a collector please let us know your favorites in the appropriate comment thread.