While there's often crossover between "customizers" and "artists", customizers are the masters at taking a platform - any platform - and putting their artistic stamp on it. In a genre of art/collecting/toys that is constantly changing, it seems like many more artists are doing more customs. Here's our top 5 customizers from the past year.

jryu custom

5. J*RYU
No one really sculpts trees like J*RYU. 2010 was a big year for him as he produced a ton of quality customs. And is it me, or was he at every custom show this past year? In person and showing off a custom

viseone custom

4. VISEone
While I like his Tube Dunny line of customs, 2010 was all about VISEone's Comic Stripped series. Cutting up old school comics and adding it to painted and sculpted elements. It's something I had never seen before.

plaseebo custom

3. Bob Conge (Plaseebo)
The man from Plaseebo was at it again this year. He consistently produces some of the sickest customs I have ever seen. He really blurs the line between customizer, fine artist, electrician and small run toy producer. 

jpk custom

2. Jon Paul Kaiser
No one has ever done so much with black and white (except maybe Ben Franklin and his printing press). In a scene dominated by colors, Jon Paul Kaiser opts for the lack of color. It makes any custom piece he creates instantly recognizable.

matt walker custom

**WINNER** 1. Matt Walker (Dead Presidents Designs)
If you create your own paint line for artists...you must be doing something right. Matt Walker could apply his painting and pinstriping techniques to a rock and have it blow your mind. Truthfully, I have no idea how he gets some of the effects he does on his customs...but that's fine with me.