"Pixel Pushers" is a group show curated by Giant Robot’s Eric Nakamura, centering around the Famicom inspired custom Scion art car which will project the Giant Robot produced video game, Return of the Quack. The exhibition will feature not only video game inspired art, but a bank of retro custom pachinko machines in a pachinko parlor-like installation, an interactive environment by a renowned digital conceptualist artist, 8-bit sculptures, projected digital visuals, and 4 mini game consoles. The featured artists are: Jude Buffum, Matt Furie, Zach Gage, Len Higa, Chevy Ray Johnston, Nullsleep, Daniel Rehn, Shawn Smith and Kohei Yamashita.
The opening reception takes place on November 13th 2010 from 7PM to 10PM at Scion Installation L.A., 3521 Helms Ave. (at National), Culver City, CA 90232. The reception is free with complimentary valet parking and an open bar. Exhibition is free and open to the public. Artists will be in attendance. The exhibition will run until December 11.