"Inner Dialogue" by Kai-lan Chau recently opened at Sloan Fine Art in New York City. As creator of the wildly popular animated children’s show “Ni Hao, Kai-Lan,” Karen Chau has been delighting viewers (and their parents) with her enchanting artwork and childhood memories for three years.
For "Inner Dialogue", the artist produced twenty limited edition prints on paper, three extremely limited edition canvas prints and two limited edition fiberglass sculptures. All proceeds from the sales of one of the print editions will be split between two well deserving charities – Families with Children from China and City Critters Rescue.
The show will run until December 11th 2010.
The above image is of the hand-painted fiberglass Kerokerokeromoby piece. The Sleeping Bat fiberglass piece is shown below. Both are limited to only 9 pieces (plus artist proofs) for $2,500 each.
Sloan Fine Art
128 Rivington Street
New York, NY 10002
I saw these at the opening. They’re really cool. I wish I had room for one!