remedy flyer

Rivet Gallery presents the group show - Remedy. Taking thematic inspiration from the need to find cures for disease this group art exhibition will focus on art inspired by the theme. And 25% of all exhibition sales will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to assist in their research into discovering cures for breast cancer. The opening takes place on Saturday October 2nd 2010 from 7PM until 10PM.

Artists involved include:

• Annie Owens
• Nathan Jurevicius
• Nathan Spoor
• Kathie Olivas
• Brandt Peters
• Julie West
• Dan May
• Scott Musgrove
• Andrew Bell
• Jason Bacon - UNKL
• Derek Welch - UNKL
• Nathan Ota
• Ayleen Gaspar - Toy Break
• George Gaspar - October Toys

Owner/curator Laura Kuenzli had this to say about the show:

This particular exhibition has a very personal connection to me as I am a breast cancer survivor, being diagnosed less than a week after signing the lease for Rivet. In its own way, I'd like this exhibition to help in a small way to further fund the research that played such a role in my own treatment as it has in countless other lives.

1200 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43201