CharlizeRotopol 3

Daniel Goffin has created a small run of rotopolpress exclusive Charlize Harlow figures. The edition of 10 pieces was cast in green resin with clear grey Glyos Buildman parts and painted with Monster Kolor color change automotive effect paint. Each one has been signed and numbered.

These will be available first at the Comic Festival in Hamburg this weekend, with the remaining units sold online via the rotopolpress website later on next week.

CharlizeRotopol package CharlizeRotopol squad 2 CharlizeRotopol squad 3

And Daniel supplied us with the Charlize Harlow backstory:

Charlize Harlow was the first of a line of self-conscious and autonomous programs developed for stealth information gathering missions. Nearly undetectable through her shape shifting abilities and equipped with multi-dimensional-meta-syntax analysis subroutines made her the state of the art intelligence tool. However, she never returned from her first mission. It has been impossible to determine whether she has been simply hacked and hijacked or if she decided to vanish on her own...