eric uglydolls 1

Eric Wirjanata (Thunder Panda) want to build a city called the Neighborhood, which live many nice (and some not so nice) creatures. While it will include some of his older characters (such as Lemi, TV Nino, etc) he has first introduced Red Babo and Super Ox - a couple of nemeses of the Evil Grin Batt Duo.

And here's their story:

Red Babo is a mechanic with brilliant ideas. He always supports Super Ox, a hard knocks daredevil that claims he can jump over a 99 story building. The Evil Grin Batt Duo are just simply evil - one claims to have the power of 66 power wrestlers while Batt Second can light himself in the dark. They live in the suburbs of the Neighborhood Town.

Look for these to be made available for purchase through Thunder Panda's website.