keep a breast

Tiki Oasis announces an exclusive art show in conjunction with the event's 10th anniversary: The Keep A Breast Art Show. The show features 25 noteworthy tiki artists who have combined sculpture, philanthropy and symbolic artistry creating one-of-a-kind plaster forms made from the female torso of 25 celebrity castees.

The show will run from August 20th to the 22nd at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lahaina Room in San Diego, CA.

The breast casts will be sold at the exhibition to raise funds for Keep A Breast's early detection, prevention, and support programs. Through these programs Keep A Breast strives to eradicate breast cancer by inspiring young people to adopt lifestyle choices that have long-term health benefits.

Atomikitty , Bosko, Claudette Barjoud aka Miss Fluff, Crazy Al Evans , Danny Gallardo, Dave "Squid" Cohen, Dave Krys, David C. Wong, Dawn Frasier Sophista-Tiki, Derek Yaniger, Eric October, Erin Joy, Heather Watts, Isabel Samaras, Jason Rodgers, Ken Ruzic/Little Lost Tiki, Mark Mothersbaugh, Maya Rodgers, Michael Fleming aka Tweedlebop, Mitch O'Connell, MP, Rex "!", Tiki King, Tim Biskup, Velvet Glass.