strangekiss sdcc

What is Strangekiss Presents?

Over the past four years, Strangekiss has always striven to bring diversity to their booth at San Diego Comic Con. From David Lanham's Zog and Bill the Yeti to the jaw-breaking custom work of Leecifer, Reactor88, DrilONE to a "virtual signing" by MAD...Strangekiss has been on the cutting edge

So what about SDCC 2010? Strangekiss will be giving some love back to the artists, and - of course - staying high tech.

strangekiss mugo

Strangekiss Presents from the West Coast - MUGO from Feed the Beast, LLC. Mugo is an amazing Limited Edition Designer MP3 player that doubles as a USB Flash Drive. Series One includes artists Julie West, Yup, Shin Tanaka and Tougui.

strangekiss foox

Strangekiss Presents from the East Coast - The Pop Art Style of David FOOX. The artist who has created toys such as Organ Donors, his new Elemental Badgers Art Toy and a top secret iPhone application based on Organ Donors, David has been invited him to showcase his art at the booth.

Strangekiss Presents these Saturday Signings at Strangekiss Booth 4637

1PM - 2PM - Ritzy Perwinkle
3PM - 4PM -
Nathan Hamill (releasing tyrannoCECILrex resin)


There will also be special unannounced artists, street vandals and more stopping by throughout the event. Follow them on Twitter @strangekiss. following us, you will be automatically be entered in out SDCC Super Pack Giveaway.