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It’s possible that you’ve seen the Ferret Dance (A series of tubes) video on You Tube. If not…we’ve included it below for your viewing pleasure. Artist Jill Czajkowski, who goes by the name jillustrate, created the original character designs for the animation. And after submitting her designs to Patch Together, toy collectors can now get their hands on their very own Tube Ferret resin figures.

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The Facts

Tube Ferret
Manufacturer: Patch Together
Artist: jillustrate (Jill Czajkowski)
Material: Resin
Dimensions: 4” tall
Points of Articulation: Zero
Designs: Brown and White

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The Tube Ferret is packaged in a rectangular white box with a large sticker attached the front. Inside, the resin piece is secured between two pieces of Styrofoam.

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Our Opinion

Patch Together put the Tube Ferret resin into production after receiving the minimum number of pre-orders needed to start that process. Not a surprise, considering the illustrated and animated characters are cute…and they got a bunch of hits on You Tube.

While we’re only looking at the brown version here, there also is a white Tube Ferret. Both of the sculpts are the same, only the paint scheme differs.

The first thing I thought of when I saw the sculpt was that it reminded me of something. Yes…possibly the most vile designer toy ever produced – Barry the Beaver. Remember? They tried passing a vibrator off for a piece of art? Well, luckily, the Tube Ferrets do not vibrate and they are completely innocent.

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The figure is a solid resin piece (no gluing anything onto it). They’ve used an airbrush technique on it. And the only issue I have is that the ferret’s mask is painted as two circles around the eyes. I sort of wish that they had connected those two brown circles, like the source illustration on the packaging.

Price-wise, $19.95 is about what I would have expected. The Tube Ferret is one of the better-produced Patch Together figures that we’ve reviewed. Now if I could just get that video out of my head…

You can pick one up at the following: $19.95

Tube Ferret Grades

Figure Quality: 8/10
   Sculpt: 8/10
   Paint: 8/10
Accessories/Outfit: N/A
Packaging: 6/10
Durability: 7/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Value: 7/10

Overall: 7.9/10

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