Mugo, the first limited edition designer MP3 player and USB flash drive, has arrived. Artist Series 1 features designs by Julie West, Shin Tanaka, Tougui and Yup. There are also black and white DIY versions available.
Designer Aaron Atchison, of Feed the Beast, created Mugo to be clean, simple and stylish. So simple that it doesn't require any cables or software and works on both Mac and PC. The flash memory drive can hold up to 500 MP3 songs or 2GB of data storage. The best part is actually navigating through your music as all the controls are under your thumb. By pressing the 'faceplate' you can control all the of the Mugo MP3 playing features.
Artist Series 1 is currently available for $59.99, while the D.I.Y. (blanks) run $49.99.