lcf Monsters in Mangrove groupshot

The Monsters in the Mangroves show will be running from Saturday, May 15th until June 14th, 2010 at Super7 Florida. Leecifer (Lee Gajda) is among the artists that will have customs in the show, which opens at 7PM on Saturday May 15th.

He sent along photos of his custom pieces that will be shown (these are in order of shown below):

Bat Gator; Bizarro Hollis; Black Lagoon Boy; Dr Zombie; Push Pop Kid; Ghost of the Sal-Zag Robot Monster; Super Gator

Super7 Florida
720 2nd St N
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 822-8685

lcf Bat Gator frnt lcf Bat Gator lftback lcf Bat Gator rghtfrnt lcf Bizarro Hollis frnt lcf Bizarro Hollis armsup lft lcf Black Lagoon Boy top lft lcf Black Lagoon Boy butt copy lcf Dr Zombie frnt lcf Dr Zombie frnt lft lcf Push Pop Kid frnt lcf Push Pop Kid bck lcf SalZag RobotMnstr frnt coy lcf SalZag RobotMnstr head frnt lcf Super Gator frnt lft lcf Super Gator far rght lcf Super Gator rght