infectious giddyup MIMOBOT

Mimoco, maker of the MIMOBOT collection of pop-art infused USB flash drives, announce the latest in the Infectious x MIMOBOT community-designed series of MIMOBOT storage devices: GiddyUp by Hila Rosenberg Arazi.

giddyUP all art

Hila is an Australian/Israeli artist who loves to draw tiny things and create miniatures. “I’ve been a fan of the Mimobot USB drive from its very start,” said Hila. “I'm a proud owner of a few, including one of the first series to be released. I missed out on the first Mimobot challenge and was hoping for a new one to come along… and when it finally did, I knew that my personal challenge would be to confront the Mimobot shape in a different way. To think outside of the Mimobot bear-like-shape, if you will. In addition to the shape aspect, I knew I'd like to offer Mimoco an innocent girly design that I, as a girly (and not so innocent) buyer would like to see in their collection… And that’s how the GiddyUp design came about.

In addition to having her design made into the next community-designed MIMOBOT flash drive, Hila received a MIMOBOT and Infectious Prize Pack, and a $1,000 cash prize – an award that will surely help her growing business creating worldwide orders for custom dolls and miniatures.

infectiousxMIMOBOT winners