
Benny, from Tenacious Toys, has sent along a bunch of photos from Lou Pimentel's Cranston Fellows Jr custom show - Hell Freezes Over. The opening took place at MyPlasticHeart on January 8th, however, it will be on display through January 30th.

hell64colorssinge1 hellJWestDevilInside hellKaNoflammable

Many more photos after the jump!

HellJasonLimonside hell64colorsside hellBrentNolasco hellBrentNolasco2 hellDokside hellHeyLou hellKanNoside hellLeeciferside hellLouIHeartCoolStuff hellLouside hellMPHshop hellNCWintersLeft4Dead hellReactor88side hellNEMOside2 hellNEMOface1 hellNCwintersside hellchaus helldacosta321 helldacostaside hellgroup1 hellgroup2 hellgroup4 hellgroup3 helljasonlimonhover1 helljulieside helljeremiahketner hellleeciferhellcat helllouplantainjr hellnemo hellreactor88Totem hellscribecrunchyflutters1 hellscribeside