Toy customizing is an art form in and of itself. Some of the top customizers are able to take a rather bland base figure and turn it into a masterpiece. Often, the prices of these customs overshadow those of original paintings. So here are our top five toy customizers of 2009.

custom wuzone

#5 - WuzOne
Responsible for some great representations of classic and current cartoon characters on vinyl, WuzOne has jumped onto the scene with customs like the one shown above.

custom rotobox

#4 - Rotobox Vinyl Anatomica
No one can customize a Qee like Rotobox. Go ahead and try turning a regular old Qee into a crazy transformable robot. Can't be done!

custom dead pres

#3 - Dead Presidents (Matt Walker)
No one does pinstriping like Matt Walker. He can do some amazing things with making Glyos figures look like little pieces of candy.

custom jpk

#2 - Jon-Paul Kaiser
Jon-Paul Kaiser is known for his amazing black and white custom paint schemes. He can create spot-on likenesses using only two colors. The above pictured version of Bob Marley was one of our favorite custom creations of 2009.

custom plaseebo

**WINNER** #1 - Plaseebo (Bob Conge)
While you might not know that artist Bob Conge was actually a college art professor, you've definitely seen his amazing custom work. Whether it be his mash-up figures or custom paint schemes...his work is unparalleled.