mf toy show 1

The opening party of The MF Toy Show will take place on Saturday December 5th from 7PM until 10PM at the MF Gallery in Brooklyn, NY. Admission is free and open to all ages. It's a “Cash & Carry” event, meaning that buyers will be able to take their new toys home with them upon purchase.

So what kind of items will they have? Well check out below:

Oversized felt plush by Australian artist Cupco!; sculpted Classic Monster figures by legendary Heavy Metal artist Ed Repka; delicately hand-crafted dollies by Sara Lanzillota; robotic toy creations by Italian artist Andrea Petrachi; “Little Pisser” by Elmer Presslee; “Pill Pals” by Jaz Harold; soft plush sculptures by Jenny Harada, Aya Kakeda and Bianca Panzram; and hand-cast resin figures by Moses Jaen, Eatyourchildren and MF Toys.

mf toy show