Lily, Deirdre and Empress Lumpa, Whip, Grammy, Squiddle-bit Tula-Dil

If you're not familiar with artist Ion should be. His creations span dolls, resin, plush and customs. Our favorite? Those dolls are freaky cool. You want to know more about Ion? Check out his bio below...or visit his site:

Everything has a story and that story leads to it`s soul. I spent most
of my life on a farm or in a forest talking with trees  looking for
Yeti. I love all things organic and am consumed by the overwhelming
beauty of our world. I draw inspiration from everything around me. I
feel so blessed to have met so many wonderful people and often
incorporate them into my work. As an artist I don`t want to repeat
myself or others before me. More than anything else I consider myself
an artist of new ideas.

Briskette Discocirque Lily and Deirdre Shuma-Fauna of autumn and Shuma-Machiko the Shuma of Winter