Set in futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy is about a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist named Tenma. Powered by positive "blue" energy, Astro Boy is endowed with super strength, x-ray vision, unbelievable speed and the ability to fly. Hot Toys proudly presents the 1/6th Scale Astro Boy Collectible Figure based on the upcoming movie incarnation of Astro Boy.
The 9" tall figure features:
Over 22 points of articulation
- 2 sets of interchangeable posing hands
- Open chest with positive "blue" energy inside
- Battery-operated illuminated eyes for X-ray vision mode
- Interchangeable arm cannons
- Interchangeable rocket boots
- Figure display base featured with Astro Boy movie logo
Hot Toys – MMS 109 – 1/6 Scale Astro Boy…
@PlasticandPlush omg i loved astro boy so much as a kid. probably has something to do with a a depraved? deprived ? childhood
Hot Toys – MMS 109 – 1/6 Scale Astro Boy…
@PlasticandPlush omg i loved astro boy so much as a kid. probably has something to do with a a depraved? deprived ? childhood