
The group art show Pop! Pop! opens Saturday June 20, 2009 at 7PM (until 10PM) at Pink Ghost. The show is a collection of art that makes reference to things that exist in the realm of popular culture. Subjects of the pieces range from the
TV series Lost (Patrick Fatica) to psychedelic rock band The Flaming Lips (Dan F. Birch) and anything and everything in between.

Participating artists include: Dan
F. Birch, Helena Garcia, Patrick Fatica, Beau Berkley, Kendra Binney,
Anneli Olander, Danny Brito, Elliot Black, Sara Broski, Miss Kika,
Nathan Lumm, Janice Lumm, Rosemary Travale, Barry Van Clief, Steve
Woodzell, Nick Z
, and many more.

Pink Ghost
21 West Las Olas Blvd Suite B
FT Lauderdale, FL 33301

HanselGretel Helenaberlin SheSecretlySingsofOrchids