If you combine cool, creepy and cute together you'll get the newest figure from Squibbles Ink and Rotofugi. The first of The Lake Monsters project is the Big Muscamoot figure that's designed and sculpted by the uber-talented Chris Ryniak.
This is the Seaweed version. The Fire On The Water colorway was delayed, so this has actually become the first version to be released. Look for it to hit the Rotofugi brick and mortart shop at noon on June 5th...and online later. In my opinion, this little creature is a must have (although the price has yet to be announced).
lovin this figure. Do you have more info on size and everything. definitely want to hear once the price is out of the bag
lovin this figure. Do you have more info on size and everything. definitely want to hear once the price is out of the bag
He looks great! Depending on the price, I may have to grab one of these.
He looks great! Depending on the price, I may have to grab one of these.