
Was there a child in the 80's who didn't love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I would rush home to watch the cartoon on TV. The first movie I saw without parents was the first TMNT. And I had a huge collection of the toys. Well, Bryan from Paper Foldables shares that passion. And he's created a free, downloadable Krang template so you can assemble everyone's favorite evil brain.

Bryan describes this project below:

I am a HUGE fan of Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles. I have all the ol' skool toons on DVD and other stuff
I'm probably too old for, but whatevs. I love it. I've been wanting to
make a KRANG foldable for some time now, so finally sat down for 3
straight days to make him! What better time to make it, this year being
the 25th anniversary of TMNT!
This complete Paper Foldable comes in several parts. I designed it so
the top half and bottom half of the android body can come apart. I was
watching an episode of Turtles and they showed Foot soldiers putting
the body together like this. Then of course you got cute li'l Krang who
fits snuggly into the belly of the android body.
