
Starting on February 6th, gallery hanahou will present the Forget Me-Not show - embroidered love from the new craft movement. The opening reception takes place on the 6th, from 6PM until 8PM, and runs until February 27th.

For generations, women have expressed love of family through the painstaking art of embroidery. This February, gallery hanahou presents a new generation of embroidery artists using needle and thread to depict love in broader terms, whether idealized and simple or brutal and complicated. Curated by Kristen Rask, this group exhibit of affordable artwork will win your affection in more ways than one. A meaningful alternative to waxy chocolates.

Artists Include:

Ray, Apol Lejano-Massebieau, Diem Chau, Emily Eibel, Emily Katz,
Heidi Kenney, Jessica Marquez, Kate Durkin, Katherine Shaughnessy,
Kayte Terry, Kris Garland, Kristen Rask, Mary Yaeger, Molly
Dilworth, Nicole Licht, Orly Cogan, Pamela Davis, Sam Gobson,
Sarah Horton, Shanna Fiorucci, Shannon Rankin, Vanessa Lauria,
Vivienne Strauss

gallery hanahou
611 Broadway, Suite 730