Well...I wasn't lucky enough to get to NYC to attend the Uglycon NYC show at Giant Robot NY. And from the photos I've seen, I definitely missed out on a great celebration of everything Ugly(doll). I hope some of you were able to attend the event.

David Horvath was on hand to sign and chat. And the most exciting news to come out of Uglycon NYC was the big reveal for two new Uglydolls. Trunko, pictured above, will be the first Ugly of 2009. And Uppy, the blue Ugly pictured in some of the photos below, will be released at the end of '09. In between those two? You'll have to wait until Toy Fair.

David was gracious enough to share some of the photos he took, as well as giving us a rundown of the events:
Uglycon NYC was our largest turnout yet. While Uglycons usually run from 6 to 10pm with the crowd thinning by 9, this show was at maximum capacity from 10am to 9pm straight! We had a great crowd (a very patient crowd, waiting out in 3 degree cold weather) and for the most part everyone had a great time.
Giant Robot will have anything left up online by the end of the week. Can't wait!

did they really nail those uglys on the wall? if so that's terrible! what happens if someone wants to buy one of those? then they would go home with a ugly with a hole in the back! oh, so you can't buy one of those? they are nailed on the wall just for decoration? if so i'm such a no brain.
did they really nail those uglys on the wall? if so that's terrible! what happens if someone wants to buy one of those? then they would go home with a ugly with a hole in the back! oh, so you can't buy one of those? they are nailed on the wall just for decoration? if so i'm such a no brain.