
Late last year, Mimoco began the Vimobot Design Contest, a Do-It-Yourself vinyl art toy challenge which sought the best and most innovative character designs.  The entries were hand-created by the entrants, using Mimoco’s oversized blank Vimobot vinyl toy as a canvas.  After the hundreds of entries from unknown, emerging, and amateur artists in the MIMOBOT community were narrowed to twenty finalists, MIMOBOT forum denizens chose their six favorite designs to become MIMOBOT flash drives. The winning VDC creations represent a wide variety of artistic styles, from traditional character design to the semi-abstract.

Those designs are: Cosmobot (Roxie Vizcarra), Golden Panda (ShanDurRah), Zombie Tiki God (heyimlindsayp), Yakuza (eetteekers), Holybot (fickilians) and mimoShroom (Bananafromcanada).  The six winning designs are now available in the form of the VDC MIMOBOT Series of USB flash drives in 1GB ($24.95) to 8GB ($79.95) capacities.  Each one will include MimoZine Issue 4.





