Wheaty Wheat has announced a pair of new shows that they'll be a part of.   Of course, the VTN Dec show is just around the corner.   This 2 day event at the Pasadena Convention Center will include a custom show among other events.  These photos are of the Vinnie custom.

They'll also be taking part in the “Toy Crazy” Show at the Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington, NC.   The show is on view from October 15th until February 1st.   The opening reception will be on Thursday November 7th, from 7P until 9PM (6PM to 7PM for members).

A wildly diverse and irreverent selection of toys and games, from vintage mechanicals, Star Wars, GI Joe and Transformers to contemporary Japanese vinyl and plush toys—this exhibition is a reminder that there should always be time to play! Wheaty Wheat’s contribution to the show is the original paint master and approved test shot of Mr Bunny produced by Wheaty Wheat Studios, from the 2D works of Joe Ledbetter, along with the production Roto cast molds and spray masks from the Mr Bunny figure.