In our humble opinion, one of the most talented custom artists out there would have to be Leecifer. The paint work on his customs is amazing. They have a textured and aged look to them. Well, he sent in some of the new pieces he's been working on for various art shows around the country.
Here is the list of the pictured customs (in order of photos):
Mooclops for the Moody Group Show at Lift
Neon Hazmapo Commission
Blue Metal Mummy Boy Commission
Radioactive Damnedron Commission
Michele's (wife's) B-day Gamera
Devil Madl and Angel Moe Painting for the 2-D/3-D Show at Fabric8 and Neon Monster
SpiderBun Labbit and Painting for the 2-D/3-D Show at Fabric8 and Neon Monster,
Green Spotted Gopher for the Summer Munny Show at Lift
Pink Mantis Bug Love for the Adorable Disaster Show at Cowboys & Angles
Rusty Love Deck for the All-a-Board Show at MonkeyHouse Toys
I heart Blue Metal Mummy Boy and his stub of an arm!
I heart Blue Metal Mummy Boy and his stub of an arm!