
Without alarming you, I must inform you that the streets of Sydney are in the midst of a quiet invasion by monsters. While this normally would be of some concern, it just so happens that these creatures are of the imaginary variety, and should not be feared ... Are you ready for the Monster Invasion?

Ruban Rat Gallery
76 Parramatta Road
Stanmore NSW 2048

August 29th through September 19th
Opening 29th August @ 7PM
Gallery Hours Sat to Tues 12-5

Artists Include: beastman, junior, ghostpatrol, Ryan Boserio, Bridge, Sean Kelly 'bucket o thought', smc[3], yok, kid zoom, reka, Itch, Creepy, Ears, Max Berry, serena kuhl, plump oyster, cat-rabbit, Sam PeaP Tarr (NZ) and Paul Shih (NZ).

A poster designed by Paul Shih will be available at the show or from his website