
This April 19th, Giant Robot will be hosting the Deharavath group art show.  The event will feature the work of Yukinori Dehara, David Horvath and Sun-Min Kim.

Dehara's hand-painted clay depictions of debauched salarymen, brutalized gangsters, happy monsters, and other unique figures stand about 5-inches tall.  For this show, his subject will be "zombie children."

David and Sun-Min are the parents of the Uglydoll line.  They promise that everything at the show will be all new, including a special Ice Bat kaiju figure made in conjunction with Dehara.

A reception for the artists will take place from 6:30PM until 10PM on Saturday, April 19.  If you can’t make it out then, the show will run through May 14th.

2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276