
As rare as an albino, this little Devil not only steals the halos from Angels but he sucks their pure, rich, red blood too. His lust for innocence and evil is unrivaled in Heaven and Hell and you'll find his angelic appearance beguiling, but don't let it fool you…and don't turn your back on him.

The White HotChaChaCha is the newest vinyl toy release from Gary Baseman.  The 6 ½” tall vinyl is limited to an edition of 300 pieces.   Of the run, 250 will be available for sale December 5th at 10AM PDT only at GaryBaseman.com ($110 USD).  And if you want to treat yourself, the remaining 50 White HotChaChaChas will be hand-signed by Gary Baseman and include a giclee.  These will be available on December 11th 10AM PDT ($165 USD) through the Baseman website.