Stuff This! is a group plush show featuring over 20 local, national, and international artists. If you’re in the Columbus, Ohio area on Saturday November 3rd, you’ll want to get down to Rivet Gallery for the opening of the show. Events commence at 6PM and last until 10PM. The show runs through November 28th.
Participating artists include:
Amanda Spayd, Anna Chambers, Bastet2329, Bytedust, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Curioddities, Curster, Daniel Elson, Jenny Harada, Jill Penney, John Straub, Joshua Sutton, Marion Hawkes, Moogan Creations, Mr. Pickles, My Paper Crane, October Effigies, Patches, Serena Kuhl, Sharon H. Bell, and Trevor Zammit
Designer Toy & Art Gallery
1200 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43201