
The Monster Show 2: Another Compendium of Awesome Monster Drawings will open at Domy Books on Friday October 26th.  Be there between 7PM and 9PM for all of the festivities. 

The show will feature work from:

ACK, Seth Alverson, Scott Barry, Linnette Barkley, William Boone, Rene
Cruz, The Death Head, Gabe Dieter, Eamon Espey, Edie Fake, Sebastian
Forray, Matt Furie, Lisa Marie Godfrey, Michael Harwell, Mark
Hesterlee, Shane Hillman, Meg Hunt, Le Merde, Nick Meriwether, Dave
Kiersh, Tyler Norton, Eric Pearce, Patrick Phipps, Tony Remple, Deon
Rick, Skinner, Hannah Stouffer, J. Michael Stovall, Matthew Thurber,
David Wang, YAR!
and more...

Domy Books
1709 Westheimer
Houston, TX 77098