Robert - of Kung Fu Toys - did another brilliant job capturing the release of Luke Chueh's Possessed figure. Festivities took place on May 18th at Munky King in Los Angeles.
Robert - of Kung Fu Toys - did another brilliant job capturing the release of Luke Chueh's Possessed figure. Festivities took place on May 18th at Munky King in Los Angeles.
muhahaha on here again!
muhahaha on here again!
The manager for Munky King Melrose is the biggest rude a$$hole as shown by his obnoxious attitude at San Diego Comic-Con 2007. I advise people to not support his store until he starts treating customers with respect. When you spend alot of money on someones product, the store should value it's customer because there are plenty of places to buy vinyl from.
The manager for Munky King Melrose is the biggest rude a$$hole as shown by his obnoxious attitude at San Diego Comic-Con 2007. I advise people to not support his store until he starts treating customers with respect. When you spend alot of money on someones product, the store should value it's customer because there are plenty of places to buy vinyl from.
Being a personal friend of Luke's (been out of a contact for a while) kinda hurt i didn't know. great now i have to look on ebay for his stuff.
Being a personal friend of Luke's (been out of a contact for a while) kinda hurt i didn't know. great now i have to look on ebay for his stuff.