
This coming Friday (February 2nd) will be the opening of fellow Raleigh-ite Hello, Brute's "My Pal, Sookie
La La"
show at the Rotofugi Gallery.
Hello, Brute (aka Jon Knox Griffin) is probably best known for t-shirt
designs for the likes of Owl Movement and Hi-Calorie (not to mention a
particularly smashing hoodie design for Rotofugi) and a series of
really awesome customized toys. Jon has promised a load of customized
and/or hand-made toys (both plush and non-plush) plus prints,
skatedecks and should be a sight to behold.

those out of town or otherwise indisposed, send an email to the folks
at Rotofugi and they'll send the availability list a day or two after
the opening.

My Pal, Sookie La La
Rotofugi Gallery
Opening: February 2, 2007 - 7-11pm
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622




Pictured above: "Maylo" - 15" custom Circus Punk (soot version), "Brisby" - 8" custom Munny, "Technicolor Jeffrey" - handmade plush (edition of 10)