The Latest Customs From Wavedog

Dan "Wavedog" Fenelon has sent us photos of his latest line of custom figures.  This series seems to use more metallic colors as opposed to the bright, primary colors of some of his previous customs.  Don't worry, he hasn't given up on the bright...

Uglydolls on the Today Show

Over $250,000 worth of Uglydolls were presented to the Today Show for their annual Toy Drive.  What an amazing gift for the disadvantaged youngsters!  Alita Friedman from Uglydolls was there to present the gift to Al Roker (who was obviously flustered from...

Symptoms Vinyl Figures

New from Wunderland War is the line of Symptoms vinyl figures.  The line is made up of 7 different characters (limited to 1,000 units each), representing various maladies.  They might look like monsters, but they are exactly what's been ailing you. ...

Now at Frozen Empire

In stock and shipping NOW at Frozen Empire Toys: SHITIKO in Brown and Black by Superdeux / Strangeco - $24.99 ORANGE HEENIE by Nathan Jurevicius / Strangeco - $49.99 MR. SHIVERS 3" Dunny by Sket-One / Kidrobot - $8.50 NOSFERATU by Futura - Green and Beige Camo...

Darth Maul is Shipping

Just got word that Sideshow has started shipping their 12" Darth Maul figure to all of the folks who were lucky enough to pick him up.  I must say that Episode 1 was probably my least favorite of the 6 Star Wars films, but this figure looks amazing. ...

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