
Background has sent us one of Frank Kozik’s new rotocast vinyl Labbit figures.  These Labbits are the younger, more innocent brothers of the Smorkin’ variety.  Kidrobot might have felt somewhat pressured to appeal to younger clientele…which birthed this sweeter, gentler Labbit.



The package is a window-front box.  It is decorated with Kozik artwork.  The window allows you to see what accessories the figure you are buying has.  This is convenient, and it’s the only way you’ll be able to find the accessory set you want.


The Figures

These Labbits are non-smorkin’…so you won’t find any cigarettes in the accessory list.  Each figure is made of rotocast vinyl and measures 5” in length.  There are 4 Labbits available, with the only differing factor being the interchangeable accessories each is packaged with.  The Labbit has a hole for a mouth, and you can find accessories such as an ice cream cone, mustache, blade of grass, banana, hot dog and more!


Our Opinion

I definitely like this Labbit version better than its raunchier
brethren.  It’s kid friendly.  And it appears, from some of Kidrobot’s
recent choices, they are trying to appeal to this demographic. 

The only problem I have is that we have seen this character and similar
figures in several incarnations.  There are 2 series of Mini Smorkin’
Labbits, the Pimp Flock 5-packs, several 10” Smorkin’ Labbits…and
remember the Bone Bunnies.  These Labbits will appeal to younger
collectors, whose parents would be averse to the pro-smoking message of
the smorkin’ variety.

I guess it’s up to collectors to determine whether or not they have had
enough Labbits.  The various, interchangeable accessories is a new
aspect…and it helps that Kidrobot and Kozik are changing up their
target market with these figures.

You can pick up any of the 4 figures straight from for $20 each.

Labbit Grades:

Quality: 8/10
Paint: 9/10
Durability: 9/10
Hype: 9/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Value: 8/10
Overall: 8.7/10


