
Here is some new info on a new goSeries mimobot character!
Fresh from the ashes deep in the core of planet blõôh comes magma, who’s
been in hiding to this point.  magma is the 5th mimobot in the goSeries. Want to
know more about this elusive mimobot, check out his bio (don’t tell him
we sent it)…

Sex: mo

Age: elderling

About: A fire demon
mining silicon deep in the core of planet blõôh.

Hobbies: guzzling nectar of
the evening dew.

Flash event: Bathing in a
rather potent firestorm set him ablaze.

Tagline: More Boom

This is one of my favorite mimobot designs so far.  They are just beginning to ship, so go check out mimoco's website for more info.