Hot Toys has announced the 114th figure in their Movie Masterpiece Series. From the film 300, the 12" tall King Leonidas collectible figure features Hot Toys' newly sculpted and developed muscled body (with over 26 points of articulation).
The Spartan Warrior comes dressed with a real fabric cape with harness, faux-leather belt, vambraces and greaves. It also includes the following accessories and weapons:
- Helmet features a real-like horsehair crest
- Real-like wolf’s tooth necklace
- Sword and faux-leather scabbard
- Battle damaged Spartan shield features the faux- leather hand hold and removable broken arrows
- Spear
- Two pairs of Interchangeable hands
- Head sculpt with authentic Gerard Butler likeness as King Leonidas
- Figure stand with 300 movie logo and King Leonidas nameplate