Dragatomi Presents: Monster Party

This weekend, Monsters will be invading Dragatomi. The Monster Party will feature new works by Mark Nagata, Gatchabert, DLux and LilJapan. There will be lots of little monsters, customs and paintings. The opening reception will take place on Saturday January 8th 2011...

The Suckadelic Art Toy Universe Show

There's only one artist who could name their show - You're An Asshole For Buying This. The Sucklord and the Boo-Hooray Gallery have announced the first Suckadelic retrospective gallery exhibition. There will be a pair of parties - the opening party on January 11th...

The Art of Bukubuku

Rivet Gallery will be ringing in the new year with the opening of The Art of Bukubuk - a solo show featuring the adorably cute artwork of Silvia Portella Torres. She was scheduled to be in a February 2010 show, however, her package was lost in transit and landed at...

Fashion Illustration: Visual Poetry

Curated by renowned artist, fashion illustrator, and educator Bil Donovan, "Fashion Illustration: Visual Poetry" brings together 14 of the most talented and innovative artists working in fashion illustration today for an exhibition that showcases the possibilities of...

In Living Kolor SF

The Max Toy Company 5th Anniversary celebration and show will continue throughout the month of April, traveling to Double Punch Gallery and Store in San Francisco, California, on April 23rd 2011. On that same day - at the same place - will be the In Living Kolor, San...

Vertigo: A Decade of Hunting Nightmares

Corey Helford Gallery is proud to open 2011 with “Vertigo: A Decade of Hunting Nightmares” by artist Alex Pardee. In his first solo at Corey Helford Gallery, the artist unveils the art of capturing nightmares with a collection of thirteen acrylic-on-cradled wood panel...