Sep 2, 2015 | Shows, Toy Art Gallery |
The name of Toy Art Gallery's upcoming show - Famous Last Words - is somewhat fitting as it's their swan song show. The group show features works from Izumonster, Joseph Harmon, Kikkake Toy, Martin Ontiveros, Miscreation Toys, Restore, Pico Pico, T9G, and Uamou. The...
Feb 9, 2015 | Plaseebo, Shows |
The Garamaniacal Too Show takes place at FOE Gallery, with an opening reception on Friday February 13th 2015 at 6PM. Bob Conge (Plaseebo) has a pair of custom Garamon figures that will be featured at the show. The Aquagaramon (pictured above) is a one of a kind custom...