Xone’s Balancing Cupid

With February bringing us Valentine’s Day, Xone Industries and Robert Curet have designed a special papertoy. This Cupid has been designed to balance perfectly upon his chin and not fall over. It's currently available as a free download via the above link.

Alexander Gwynne’s Tetris Blocks

Alexander Gwynne has released his latest free paper toy design. These 6 new Tetris blocks are available to download, print and put together...for your enjoyment. The set includes 6 different shapes all on a single page and every block is 1 piece.

Paper Poseables

Josh Buczynski runs the site Paper Poseables, which - ironically enough - features poseable paper toys. These are all Josh's designs, and he offers up a number of free downloads like Bachsy and Facebot. One of the cool thing's Josh has developed is a new interlocking...

Minecraft Minis Batch 2

Alexander Gwynne has released a new set of papertoys. Gamers should be interested in the Minecraft Minis Batch 2. The follow up to Batch 1 contains Herobrine, Wolf, Cow, Spider, Slime and Zombie Pigman. The templates are all free to download via the above link.

MLK Papertoy

For those of you who like to celebrate holidays with a papertoy...Xone Industries has a new Martin Luther King Jr. paper model available in their registration area. If you have Monday January 16th 2012 off from work or school...is there a better way to celebrate the...

Minecraft Papertoys

Alexander Gwynne appears to be addicted to the same game that takes up my free time - Minecraft. He has released 7 tiny Minecraft papertoys in Series 1. Series 1 consists of pig, chicken, zombie, Steve, skeleton, creeper ans sheep. The files can be downloaded, so that...

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