From the twisted imagination of Japan's own Tokyo Jesus, comes the Tayū (太夫) resin figure. 

In order to become an Oiran, a woman had to be educated in a range of skills, including the traditional arts of sadō (Japanese tea ceremony), ikebana (flower arranging), and calligraphy. The highest rank of Oiran was the tayū (太夫). The Tayū’s secrets will soon be revealed, but in this moment you can revel in her crystal beauty and elegance, for she will keep your secrets and protect you from the darkest demons.

Sculpted by artist Tokyo Jesus, the Tayū - Crystal Blood Edition stands in at 12 inches tall and is cast in clear resin with pink coral and red color streaks. Produced by and available from Clutter Studios, the figure will drop for pre-orders beginning on Tuesday April 9th 2019 at 2PM ET. It will be priced at $333.00.