Tom Neely - artist and co-creator of Henry and Glenn Forever - and Rocom Toys have launched a new Kickstarter project. The plan is to release a series of Japanese Robot renditions of Henry & Glenn - Kotetsu Henry-138 and Astro Glenn. The Henry vinyl toy stands at 9 inches tall, has 5 points of articulation, and will come with swap-out fists and open hands as well as a wearable Battle Helmet. The Glenn vinyl toy stands at 5.75 inches tall and has 3 points of articulation.

Various editions of the duo will be available at the various funding levels (for example, the above version is at the $160.00 level). Several options are available, with the Painted Toys Mega Set topping things off at $670. Several color ways will be available along the way.

This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Saturday March 16th 2019 at 2:59AM ET.

As I say with all Kickstarter projects I post about. Remember...this is not a pre-order. There are many instances of crowd funded projects that have been funded never making good on their promised goods. So back all Kickstarters with caution.