Brandon Leach - Motley Miscreations - has launched a Kickstarter project that's looking to raise funds in order to produce the Belfry - The Demon Bell Kaiju Soft Vinyl Toy. The final production vinyl is slated to measure around 8.5 inches in height and include a pair of weapons.

Rewards include the vinyl Belfry (in painted and unpainted versions), various custom Belfry figures from different artists, double cast resin Belfrys, an X-Ray Mini Head, stickers, pins, and a print. Backing options range from $10.00 to $2,000.00.

This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sunday, October 21st 2018 at 12:54PM ET.

As I say with all Kickstarter projects I post about. Remember...this is not a pre-order. There are many instances of crowd funded projects that have been funded never making good on their promised goods. So back all Kickstarters with caution.