What do you get when you cross a kitten with a burrito? No, not a #4 from somewhere in taco hell. It’s the Purritos line of plush kitties from Hashtag Collectibles.

Available in three different flavors, these 7-inch tall plush kittens are wrapped in a custom-made, super-soft baby blanket.

The names of the Purritos are Mochi (pink), Pork Bun (yellow), and Tuna (blue). And each plush character has a specific personality.

Mochi: A little shy, and a lot sweet, this kitten hates baths and loves pushing things off desks.

Pork Bun: This high-strung cutie is terrified of mice but can’t resist a good old-fashioned cardboard box.

Tuna: Cheerful and rowdy, Tuna prefers salmon treats and will wake you up by sleeping on your face.

In addition to their unique colors, each Purritos plush features a different expression. Mochi has a frown. Pork Bun looks like she’s going to hiss at you. And Tuna is happy with her eyes closed.

You can order the Purritos for $14.99 each. Or, you can grab the trio for $44.97. When you order the Purrito Special, you get all three kittens wrapped up in foil. (The individual versions are not wrapped in foil)

The Facts

Manufacturer: Hashtag Collectibles
Material: Plush
Dimensions: 7 inches tall
Designs: Mochi (pink), Pork Bun (yellow), and Tuna (blue)
Pricing: $14.99 each

You can pick one up at the following:
Hashtag Collectibles: $14.99 each