I'll be posting 10 Questions with... a number of artists who are taking part in the Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show , presented by Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr and taking place November 4-25 2017 in NYC.

Artist/Toy Maker: Emily Engel
Toy: Lil' Bernie
Website: http://lilbernie.com/
Twitter: @LilBernieTweets, @axepersonified
Instagram: @standwithlilbernie, @axepersonified

Where are you originally from?:
I grew up in Easthampton, Massachusetts.

Who is your favorite artist (any artist, any medium)?:
My favorite artists are my friends and family. I’m privileged to be surrounded by many talented musicians, painters, tattoo artists, editors, writers and actors. They pursue their mediums simply because they love what they do. I think that is the mark of a true artist.

What was your favorite toy line as a child?:
I had (and still have) a box of what I would call “little people.” They’re various plastic figurines of people, animals and shapes. I used to play with them for hours, putting them in their own little adventures. I didn’t care much for toys that were made to play for you, so to speak.

What's your most prized collectible?:
I have a needlepoint sampler made by my great-great grandmother in 1900, when she was 16. It means a lot to me, as I too do a lot of needlepoint work.

What was the last film you watched?:
I think it was Brazil. My boyfriend is a film editor and is always showing me amazing movies, so I lose track.

Do you unbox and display or keep MIB (mint in box)?:
I typically unbox and display. If I buy something for my home, I want to look at it!

What was the last book you read?:
I’m currently reading “Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams” by Sylvia Plath.

Star Trek or Star Wars?:
Star Trek! Hands down! I grew up on The Next Generation. Although I will say that I’ve always found that to be an unfair comparison; they’re completely different stories.

What motto/creed do you try to live by?:
“Make do and mend.” Fix/alter what you already have instead of constantly seeking new.

What was the inspiration behind the piece that you produced for the Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change toy show?:
The Bernie Sanders campaign and the major shift in political action that came from it.