The Pet Rainbow Project is to teach core values that inspire positive behaviors so that together we can put an end to racism, bullying, violence and hate crimes. By associating the rainbow’s colors with core values, Pet Rainbow brings to light a fun and engaging way that not only promotes our positive behaviors today, it helps create the positive leaders of tomorrow.

In order to get the Unity, the plush Pet Rainbow, produced...they've taken the project to Kickstarter. To pick up your own Unity rainbow plush, you'll need to pledge at the $25.00 level (there's a $20.00 early bird funding level). This project will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Saturday, July 15th 2017 at 7:34PM EDT.

Remember...this is not a pre-order. There are many instances of crowd funded projects that have been funded never making good on their promised goods. So back with caution.